A simple blog engine.



A simple and rather inflexible blog engine.

Hblog reads blog posts off the filesystem, assuming a directory structure:


It uses file extensions (less their extension) as post/page urls, so these should be URL-safe. All other directories are ignored, and may be used for unpublished drafts and the like.

Posts and pages are to be written in an extension of the Pandoc extensions to Markdown (to be documented later), with a preceeding set of headers (stripped before passing the remainder to pandoc)

title: A sample post
date: YYYY-MM-DD
categories: foo, bar
tags: baz, qux

Pages should have only a title.


The only command line option sets the working directory; I want as much of the configuration as possible pushed into files that can then be version controlled.


hblog.conf controls site-specific configuration; it must include the following lines:

title: (for display) root: (base url) port: (port to bind to) webmasteremail: (for contact information; displayed in the clear) pagelist: (comma-separated, ordered list of page urls (filename minus extension) headerinclude: (pre-escaped text to include in header, e.g. analytics scripts)