Bindings to Graphviz for graph visualisation. (

#5Fails to compile with GHC 7.10.1

I have built it successfully by making a trivial fix: rename 'traverse' to something else to avoid a name clash.

Data/GraphViz/Algorithms.hs:385:22: Ambiguous occurrence ‘traverse’ It could refer to either ‘Data.GraphViz.Algorithms.traverse’, defined at Data/GraphViz/Algorithms.hs:446:1 or ‘Prelude.traverse’, imported from ‘Prelude’ at Data/GraphViz/Algorithms.hs:18:8-31 (and originally defined in ‘Data.Traversable’)

Data/GraphViz/Algorithms.hs:474:34: Ambiguous occurrence ‘traverse’ It could refer to either ‘Data.GraphViz.Algorithms.traverse’, defined at Data/GraphViz/Algorithms.hs:446:1 or ‘Prelude.traverse’, imported from ‘Prelude’ at Data/GraphViz/Algorithms.hs:18:8-31 (and originally defined in ‘Data.Traversable’)