Parametrised parsing library


You don't want to use this library.


Well, at least not yet.

This is an experiment in terms of how much performance can be squeezed out of a parser using an API like that of polyparse (specifically the Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.* modules) by using an implementation based upon that of attoparsec's.

Goals of this library/experiment

  • Simple API (both in terms of available combinators and available modules).

  • Fast.

  • Well-documented, both in terms of Haddock documentation and also internal documentation to help understand how everything works.

  • Separation of concerns: try and separate the concept of incremental parsing from the values being parsing, and make the library as polymorphic as possible.

  • Maximise re-use: no need to re-implement combinators for every single type that might want to be parsed.

  • Available for use for high-level parsing as well (e.g. a JSON parser).

Why not just use attoparsec?

attoparsec is the current favourite of the various Haskell parser combinator libraries, but whilst it definitely wins in terms of speed, there are some aspects of it I don't particularly like. For more details, see below.

Analysis of existing parsing combinator libraries



  • Relatively simple API without needing to look through various modules to find it.

  • Available for a multitude of input types.

  • Ability to add adjust error messages to be able to provide more informative message.

  • Ability to have a parser with state support.


  • Lack of specialised combinators that support fusion, etc. to improve performance.

  • Some combinators are duplicates of existing type-class methods/operators.

  • Can be difficult to find the correct module to use due to other parsers in the library, etc.

  • Each actual parser is unique to each input type rather than taking the input type as a parametric value.

  • State support is baked into extra defined parsers rather than using existing StateT transformers, etc.

    • These extra parsers also mean that combinators are also defined for each separate parser by convention rather than enforced by the type classes.



  • Fast. This is due to a combination of being implemented as a chain of functions as well as emphasis on fusion-capable combinators.

  • Support for incremental parsing.

  • Good Haddock documentation.


  • Many combinators are re-implemented for every possible input type.

    • Others are made generic, but rely on GHC's SPECIALIZE pragma for performance.
  • Still have to choose the module based upon what you're parsing.

  • Poor internal documentation (e.g. of what the various fields in the parser are or how the various low-level combinators work).

  • No support for monad transformers or any kind of stateful parsing.

  • Despite using backtracking-by-default, no support for anything like polyparse's commit combinators.

    • This shouldn't be too difficult to add in though (as it was implemented for this library).

Other points

  • Rather than being able to manipulate the error message, parsers are able to be tagged with a name and a result of Fail contains a list of these tags.