Sequoia template (fork of onetom's sequoia)  (


Sequoia - A Responsive Business Template for Barley

Barley and Red Oak are being made by Plain.

Modified to work with Jekyll - which is open source - instead of Hammer, which was recommended by this Barley news article.

Just run jekyll serve --watch then open http://localhost:4000/

In case you want a very simple method to checkout any folder with static HTML content, I would highly recommend something which is also bundled with Macs:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer	# then visit http://localhost:8000


sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80	# then visit http://localhost

Then you don't have to fiddle around with the ugly Apache config... You can only run it once though, but many times it's enough.


You can feel free to use this template in anyway you want. Give attribution, don't give attribution, it is up to you.