simple & robust dropbox replacement

#18exception: recoverEncode: invalid argument (invalid character) raised in synchronizer

2020-09-02 13:46:02.69946569 UTC: DEBUG: ("RECEIVE:",FetchNextChange ,Just (,((UserNick "",Timestamp ""),CreateLink [***] (Hash [BlockHash "5518792733/4122322929?Cd=k33B84hwM6633553739^088218(k[f42E@Y/p3832e20A24034jJ4611959551254"]) NoLink))) 2020-09-02 13:46:02.781402087 UTC: DEBUG: "Exception recoverEncode: invalid argument (invalid character) (cought at synchronize)" 2020-09-02 13:46:02.877651337 UTC: recoverEncode: invalid argument (invalid character)

    • added tag version:
    • added tag type:bug
    • added tag urgency:medium

    This problem has 2 aspects:

    • non-utf-8 encoding in the system/environment
    • ghc picks encoding from the system/environment

    The first issue is hard to fix if no utf-8 encoding is available on the system

    • status set to closed

    Seems to have been resolved in the course of the Windows port. Marked as closed for version