A pure-Haskell SSH server library

#2ssh doesn't compile with ghc 7.10.1

bash-3.2$ cabal update
Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org
Skipping download: Local and remote files match.
bash-3.2$ cabal install ssh
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring ssh-0.2.11...
Building ssh-0.2.11...
Failed to install ssh-0.2.11
Build log ( /Users/gcolpitts/.cabal/logs/ssh-0.2.11.log ):
Configuring ssh-0.2.11...
Building ssh-0.2.11...
Preprocessing library ssh-0.2.11...
[1 of 9] Compiling SSH.Util         ( src/SSH/Util.hs, dist/build/SSH/Util.o )

src/SSH/Util.hs:42:1: Warning: Tab character

src/SSH/Util.hs:43:1: Warning: Tab character
[2 of 9] Compiling SSH.Packet       ( src/SSH/Packet.hs, dist/build/SSH/Packet.o )
[3 of 9] Compiling SSH.NetReader    ( src/SSH/NetReader.hs, dist/build/SSH/NetReader.o )
[4 of 9] Compiling SSH.Debug        ( src/SSH/Debug.hs, dist/build/SSH/Debug.o )
[5 of 9] Compiling SSH.Crypto       ( src/SSH/Crypto.hs, dist/build/SSH/Crypto.o )
[6 of 9] Compiling SSH.Sender       ( src/SSH/Sender.hs, dist/build/SSH/Sender.o )
[7 of 9] Compiling SSH.Channel      ( src/SSH/Channel.hs, dist/build/SSH/Channel.o )

    Ambiguous occurrence ‘spawnProcess’
    It could refer to either ‘SSH.Channel.spawnProcess’,
                             defined at src/SSH/Channel.hs:267:1
                          or ‘System.Process.spawnProcess’,
                             imported from ‘System.Process’ at src/SSH/Channel.hs:11:1-21
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
ssh-0.2.11 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
bash-3.2$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.10.1
    • description updated

    The problem is that ssh isn't specifying bounds on the 'process' library, and ssh-0.2.11 doesn't compile with the latest process. ssh-0.3 fixes the compile problem, but specifies bounds on other libraries that prevent it compiling with GHC 7.10.

    Also, don't use ssh 0.2.11 as it has a serious security flaw: http://joyful.com/blog/2015-04-20-ssh-darcs-hub-vulnerability.html

    The GHC 7.10 dependencies are fixed in the source repository, just waiting on one fix to a test-only dependency. If that's not forthcoming soon I'll work around it anyway.

    Separate to this I need to go back and fix all the version bounds on old and current versions so that cabal doesn't try to build with unsupported dependencies.

    • status set to closed

    ssh 0.3.1 has been uploaded now and should work with GHC 7.10