A pure-Haskell SSH server library
#4port to RSA >= 2.0
The stackage cabal file has RSA == as constraint, so it is unfortunate that ssh depends on < 1.3
The only API change in RSA I see is that ha_SHA1 has been renamed to hashSHA1. Renaming these functions makes ssh compile, but I get RSACipherRepOutOfRange in randomVerifyTest. I'm not sure if that is serious or not.
I sent a patch on my version of the SSH repo : http://hub.darcs.net/lancelotsix/ssh/patch/e3c738de14a6723c8fab81dd66383f2fc4b88f1b
This should properly handle the migration of the RSA library (but feedbacks are welcome of course !)
- status set to closed
Updated in SSH-0.3.2