The Sifflet visual functional programming language and aid to understanding recursive functions (

#17Error reading a SiffML file with a non-empty list element

17 There is an error in reading a non-empty list element from a SiffML file, e.g., <literal> <list> <string>a</string> <string>b</string> </list> </literal> due to the fact that the children of the <list> element directly represent values, not expressions, so they are not read correctly (not read at all?) by xmlToExpr. I think I need to use xmlToValue here, but how to connect the two is not easy. In the long run, it is desirable to change the XML doctype, dropping the <literal> element so that strings would be e.g. just <string>a</string> and lists would be just e.g. <list> <string>a</string> <string>b</string> </list> O: 2010 aug 17 P: highest C: 2010 aug 17 -- fixed.