The Sifflet visual functional programming language and aid to understanding recursive functions (

#41Make type checker error messages friendlier

E.g. this is completely unintelligible to people not familiar with Haskell: "cannot unify Num with [t4]". This comes from Chuck's buggy function, if you just edit, make no changes, and re-apply the definition.

O: 2012 July 5 R: gdw P: medium high

    • added tag p:high
    • removed tag p:medium-high

    At least the message ought to be prefixed with something like "The type checker cannot find any set of data types that will make this function work. Details (may be obscure): ..."

    That much ought to be easy!

    • added tag p:low
    • removed tag p:high

    2013 Aug 12

    The prefix "Sifflet cannot find any set of data types that will make this function work. Details from the type checker (may be obscure):" is added, in sifflet-devel.

    This lowers priority from high to low.