Runtime Haskell interpreter

#3Can't interpret values of types that, in the interpreter, are in scope but only qualified

I wrote following code using qualified imports (setImportsQ) but it seems not work. Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug in the library?


module Main where

import           Data.Map                     (Map)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Interpreter as I

run :: I.Interpreter ()
run = do 
    I.setImportsQ [("Prelude"   , Nothing)
                  ,("Data.Map"  , Just "Map")]
    _ <- I.interpret "Map.empty" ( :: Map Int Int)
    return ()

main :: IO ()
main = I.runInterpreter run >>= print


Left (WontCompile [GhcError {errMsg = "Not in scope: type constructor or class `Map&#39;\nPerhaps you meant `Map.Map&#39; (imported from Data.Map)"}])