concrete functor and monad transformers

#2Remove orphan Either instances from Control.Monad.Trans.Error

Currently, Control.Monad.Trans.Error exports a number of orphan instances for IO and Either, and notably, some Either instances that are exported by later versions of base (if a version prior to base- is being used).

I want to advocate for those instances to be removed. One reason is that orphan instances tend to lead to surprising behavior (, and moreover, there is currently a movement to merge these very instances into base (

A more personal reason is that I am working on a base-orphans package (, and I feel that it would be more fitting to backport the Applicative, Monad, and MonadFix instances for Either in base-orphans. At the moment, however, putting them in base-orphans would lead to an error down the road if somebody using an old GHC version were to use base-orphans and transformers in the same package, since they'd both export the same instances.

As far as I can tell, transformers builds just fine without the orphan instances, so I'd think this would be an acceptable alongside a major version bump.