concrete functor and monad transformers

#94Weaken Monad constraints of {eval,exec}StateT to Functor.

Is it possible to weaken the constraints of evalStateT and execStateT from Monad to Functor?

evalStateT :: Functor f => StateT s f a -> s -> f a
evalStateT m s = fst <$> runStateT m s

execStateT :: Functor f => StateT s f a -> s -> f s
execStateT m s = snd <$> runStateT m s

This came up translating withIndex ( to Haskell

    :: forall s t a b f. Functor f  -- Monad f
    => ((a -> StateT Int f b) -> (s -> StateT Int f t))
    -> (Int -> a -> f b) -> (s -> f t)
withIndex lens f = (`myEvalStateT` 0) . lens f&#39;
    f&#39; :: a -> StateT Int f b
    f&#39; y = StateT \i -> (\z -> (z, i+1)) <$> f i y