darcs repository web UI and hosting app. This is the main darcsden trunk, which also runs hub.darcs.net. (https://hub.darcs.net)
#121browsing some repos gives a 502 error
Eg the emacs-starter-kit and trac-darcs repos at http://hub.darcs.net/lelit/ .
[23/Nov/2014:19:33:27 -0800] httpSession caught an exception during sending response phase: ... A web handler threw an exception. Details: Error compiling regex: "\\s*(\\.\\. (__:|_[\\w_\\.:\\+- ]+:(\\s|$))|__ )" (26,"range out of order in character class")
Perhaps something to do with https://github.com/jgm/highlighting-kate/issues/44
Though, I believe I'm testing with highlighting-kate-0.5.9 in which that should be resolve.
We seem to have narrowed this down: highlighting kate (built with regex-pcre-builtin per the default) gives the error for these repos' restructuredtext README files, when built with GHC 7.6.3 (and not with GHC 7.8.3). darcs hub is currently built with GHC 7.6.3 as it isn't yet installable with 7.8 (but should be).
- status set to closed
Fixed, for now by building darcs hub with an older highlighting-kate which avoids the upstream bug.