darcs repository web UI and hosting app. This is the main darcsden trunk, which also runs hub.darcs.net. (https://hub.darcs.net)

#133The "branches" feature no longer works

See, e.g. http://hub.darcs.net/darcs/darcs-screened/patches:

> user error (Not a repository: ./users/darcs/darcs-reviewed (./Users/darcs/darcs-reviewed/_darcs> /inventory does not exist) > > HINT: Do you have the right URI for the repository? > )

The exception is raised not because darcs cannot find the inventory file, but primary because darcs cannot find the format file. The root of the problem is that the /patches handler calls getForkChanges from Forks.hs, which changes the home directory:

getForkChanges :: BP bp => Repository bp -> Repository bp -> IO (OneSidedFork bp)
getForkChanges rOther r = do
    let pdir = repoDir (view rOwner rOther) (view rName rOther)
        cdir = repoDir (view rOwner r) (view rName r)
    withCurrentDirectory pdir $ withRepoLock DRF.NoDryRun DRF.YesUseCache DRF.YesUpdateWorking DRF.NoUMask $ RepoJob $ \(pr :: R.Repository p wR wU wR) -> do

The rest of the code eventually makes calls to tryIdentifyRepoFormat from Darcs.Repository.Format, which raises the exception, because our current directory is not darcsden root, but rather ./users/darcs/darcs-screened.