darcs repository web UI and hosting app. This is the main darcsden trunk, which also runs hub.darcs.net. (https://hub.darcs.net)

#61branches page gives an obscure error when repo has a stray lock

To reproduce: create _darcs/lock in some repo, then try to view .../therepo/branches. The only error message is

Request handler threw an exception:
ExitFailure 1
  • Now I see, on stdout:

    Waiting for lock /home/darcsden/users/simon/animtest-hs/_darcs/lock
    Waiting for lock /home/darcsden/users/simon/animtest-hs/_darcs/lock
    Waiting for lock /home/darcsden/users/simon/animtest-hs/_darcs/lock
    [27/Jul/2013:13:07:08 -0700] During processing of request from ...
    Request handler threw an exception:
    thread killed

    and in the browser:

    Sorry.. your GET request to /simon/animtest-hs/patches failed. The details have been logged.
    This request took too long and timed out.

    Which seems reasonable. I think getting a clear message that we gave up waiting for a lock file to be removed would require darcs changes ? We could just mention it as a possible cause in the timeout error message.