darcs repository web UI and hosting app. This is the main darcsden trunk, which also runs hub.darcs.net. (https://hub.darcs.net)
#99system-uuid incompatible with freebsd
Installing darcsden on freebsd fails because "system-uuid" does not provide freebsd compatible bindings (AFAICT). I was able to install darcsden by switching to the "uuid" library.
Good point! system-uuid does not work on FreeBSD. Somehow, it manages to work on OSX. The uuid library is a pure haskell implementation of the UUID spec
How to switch from system-uuid to uuid:
> < notdan> maerwald: also replace Data.UUID.V4 for System.UUID.V4 > < notdan> in src/DarcsDen/State/Session.hs > < notdan> and replace uuid with nextRandom
- status set to closed
- status set to open
Closed this accidentally.
- status set to closed
Replaced by uuid in head by @maerwald.
@Dan Frumin - thanks so much :)