
M N E Li Ad A

  • Multiplicative
  • Non Commutative
  • Exponential
  • Linear Logic
  • with Additive case
  • and Applicative pattern matching

Features and technologies

  • pi calculus, lambdas and concatenative stack works together as one
  • deep inference structural proofs for type system
  • signatures for kinds, classes, types and sorts
  • linear logic, interaction nets, proof nets and solo calculus
  • core syntax without any keywords, any natural language can be used
  • competition of algorithms in additive and applicative fashion with match and winner
  • can be used for mathematics, cryptography, smart contracts, proofs and applications
  • monads, arrows, transformers, functors and profunctors can be used
  • concurrent asynchronous processes, offers, sessions with parallel logic of pi calculus
  • user defined binary operators is supported, with fixity direction and level
  • specific rewriting logic for new syntax operators can be defined by user

Proof search as execution

Example code

#!/usr/bin/env mneliada

! hex[{ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F }]

! byte[{ :hex . :hex }]

! uint32[{ :byte . :byte . :byte . :byte }]

! option[[a] { None | Some{a} }]

! Number [
  ? t [{ :Type }]
  ? add [[ :t * :t ] { :t }]
  ? mul [[ :t * :t ] { :t }]
  + ( ? of_int32 [[ :uint32 ] { :t }]
      ? to_int32 [[ :t ] { _ : uint32 option }]
] {
  ! Shugar {
    ! (+) >> add
    ! (*) >> mul

! Complex {
  ! t [[a : Number] { C{a . a} }]
  ! add [[ C{a.b} . C{c.d} ] { C{(a+c) . (b+d)} }]

# Example of GADT expression
! expr[ [a : hex]{ HexExpr{a} } | [a : uint32]{ Uint32Expr{a} } ]


This is multiline comment



Fixity table

Prec   Left   Prefix   Right
* |
. >>

Syntax operators

Syntax               Descr
. Bind
\ Lambda
! Of course
>> Pipe
a{b} send channel b to channel a
a[b] receive channel from channel a and bind it to b
_[a] create scoped fresh channel a
123 : fnt Number 123 of type int
123 : float Number 123 of type float

Example of shugar rules transformations application (can be done at compile time)

Before                                              After
a >> b ( ! a[c] . b{c} )
a[b]{c} ( a[b] . a{c} )
a{b}[c] ( a{b} . a[c] )
a[b | c] ( a[b] | a[c] )
a[b . c] ( a[b] . a[c] )
a[b + c] ( a[b] + a[c] )
a[[b]] ( a[c] . c[b] )
a[[b] . c] ( a[d] . d[b] . a[c] )
1 + 2 3
"Hello" . " " . "world" "Hello world"
a[[b]{c}] a[d] . d[b] . d{c}
:t (_ : t)

! a     # Before
! b
! c
| ! a   # After
| ! b
| ! c

Examples of lambda translation

SKI combinators

( \x . x ) \i . expr
_[i] . expr | ! _[a] . i{a} | ! _[b] . a{b} | a[x] . x >> b
_[i] . expr | ! _[a] . i{a} | ! _[b] . a{b} | a[x] . ! x[c] . b{c}