Vim config
- after
- autoload
- bundle
- colors
- compiler
- eclim
- ftdetect
- ftplugin
- indent
- plugin
- plugins
- spell
- syntax
- utils
- defaultneocomplsettings.vim
- gvimrc
- mappings.vim
- vimrc
- vundlerc
To use the darcs-version of configs:
ln -s $HOME/.vim/vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
ln -s $HOME/.vim/gvimrc $HOME/.gvimrc
To install the modules, do `:BundleInstall`
If you know you have a 256 color terminal but can't seem to get it working.
Find a computer where it works with the same terminal and do
`infocmp > tmpfile` which contains the termcap info. Then copy that file and
compile it with `tic tmpfile`
There are some problems with 256 terminal with colorschemes (zenburn
specifically). One problem I'm aware of is that `hi Include` does not work. I
have also tried fixing `hi ParenMatch` with close-by `ctermbg` and `ctermfg`
but, it is not perfect.