antibloat and turbo simplistic unit testing & micro benchmarking for cxx
- build
- pest
- tests
- .boring
- .clang-format
- .gitignore
- buildfile
- compile_flags.txt
- manifest
- repositories.manifest
antibloat & turbo simplistic header only cxx unit testing & benchmarking thingy.
implemented this because a hackable solution for unit testing was needed not causing excessive compile times once you have more than one assertion.
- reduced sloc
- easy to understand and hack
- does not suffer from extraordinarily compile time bloat
- does not suffer from extraordinarily compiled binary bloat
- macro free
includes a xoshiro
prng and a zipfian distribution
helper class:
#include <pest/xoshiro.hxx>
#include <pest/zipfian-distribution.hxx
- c++17
( gcc and clang )- for the custom
impl :/
- for the custom
unit tests ( using emptyspace::pest
source file ...
#include <pest/pest.hxx>
namespace {
emptyspace::pest::suite basic( "pest self test", []( auto& test ) {
using namespace emptyspace::pest;
test( "true equal_to true", []( auto& expect ) {
expect( true, equal_to( true ) );
} );
test( "vector<> equal_to initializer_list<>", []( auto& expect ) {
auto const inputs = std::vector<int>{ 3, 4, 7 };
expect( inputs, equal_to( { 3, 4, 7 } ) );
} );
} );
} // namespace
int main() {
basic( std::clog );
return 0;
... and example output
# assuming the example from above is in `example.cxx`
pest $ clang++10 -I. -std=c++17 example.cxx -o ex
pest $ ./ex
[suite <pest self test> | true equal_to true]
[suite <pest self test> | vector<> equal_to initializer_list<>]
[suite <pest self test> | summary]
total assertions failed = 0
total assertions pass = 2
total assertions skipped = 0
total uncaught exceptions = 0
total tests = 2
benchmarks ( using emptyspace::pnch
suppose we want to benchmark the strftime
function ...
#include <pest/pnch.hxx>
#include <ctime>
int main() {
emptyspace::pnch::config cfg;
std::size_t n = 0;
char buffer[128];
[&]() {
auto stamp1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto epoch = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t( stamp1 );
auto gmtime = std::gmtime( &epoch );
n += std::strftime( buffer, 64, "%Y.%m.%d:%T.", gmtime );
} )
.touch( n )
.report_to( std::cerr );
return n > 0;
... could lead to the following output
[benchmark | strftime]
stats/total = 2.27702e+09
stats/average = 990.007
stats/stddev = 7.18419
more examples
an example test case as used in ~stackless-goto/nygma
@see: pcap-reassembler.test.cxx
#include <pest/pest.hxx>
#include <libnygma/pcap-reassembler.hxx>
#include <libnygma/pcap-view.hxx>
namespace {
emptyspace::pest::suite basic( "pcap reassembler suite", []( auto& test ) {
using namespace emptyspace::pest;
using namespace nygma;
struct query {
std::uint32_t _offset;
std::size_t _size;
std::uint64_t _timestamp;
constexpr query( std::uint32_t offset, std::size_t size, std::uint64_t timestamp )
: _offset{ offset }, _size{ size }, _timestamp{ timestamp } {}
query( query&& ) noexcept = default;
test( "slice and reassemble pcap using predefined offsets", []( auto& expect ) {
query queries[] = {
// generated using the indexer ( with limit )
{ 40, 75u, 1424219007658518000ull },
{ 222, 95u, 1424219007737404000ull },
{ 444, 62u, 1424219007760103000ull },
{ 600, 82u, 1424219007800276000ull },
auto vs = std::vector<std::uint32_t>{};
{ // iterate and collect / check offsets into 1000.pcap
auto bv = std::make_unique<block_view_2m>( "tests/data/pcap/1000.pcap", block_flags::rd );
pcap::with( std::move( bv ), [&]( auto& pcap ) {
for( auto& q : queries ) {
vs.push_back( q._offset );
auto const pkt = pcap.slice( q._offset );
expect( pkt.size(), equal_to( q._size ) );
expect( pkt.stamp(), equal_to( q._timestamp ) );
} );
{ // reassemble pcap using the given offsets
auto os = pcap_ostream{ "./pcap-reassembler.test.pcap" };
auto bv = std::make_unique<block_view_2m>( "tests/data/pcap/1000.pcap", block_flags::rd );
pcap::with( std::move( bv ), [&]( auto& pcap ) {
expect( pcap.valid(), equal_to( true ) );
pcap::reassemble_from( pcap, vs.cbegin(), vs.cend(), os );
} );
std::error_code ec;
std::filesystem::path p{ "./pcap-reassembler.test.pcap" };
auto const size = std::filesystem::file_size( p, ec );
expect( not ec, equal_to( true ) );
equal_to( pcap::PCAP_HEADERSZ + 4u * pcap::PACKET_HEADERSZ + 75u + 95u + 62u + 82u ) );
} );
} );
int main() {
basic( std::clog );
development & packaging
build2 is used for life cycle management. for using without build2
just drop the header into your project.
cloning the repository and running the test driver test/unit/driver.cxx
$ git clone
$ cd pest
$ bdep init -C @clang10 cc config.cxx=clang++10
$ bdep test
test tests/unit/testscript{testscript}@../pest-clang10/pest/tests/unit/ ../pest-clang10/pest/tests/unit/exe{driver}
declaring pest
as dependency in a build2
similar libraries. might be better suited ...
unit test helpers
- ~martinmoene/lest ( small-ish, compile-time and binary bloat )
- ~jimporter/mettle ( big-ish, compile-time bloat )
benchmark helpers
and xoshiro
are derived work and therefore -- as indicated in the corresponding source files -- MIT
support and blame-game
magenbluten < mb [at] > ::