My LightDM greeter


                                                               -*- org -*-
#+TITLE: LightDM Ukko Greeter README
* What is this?
  This is a LightDM Greeter, the piece of software that is responsible
  for logging users in, selecting sessions, etc.
* What can it do?
  You should be able to log in with any normal user account.  Enter
  the username in the username bar, then the greeter will prompt you
  for password.  Guest logins and user selection from the available
  users is not yet supported.
* Runtime dependences
  - lightdm (duh)
  - gtk+ 3.0
* How to build
** From a tarball
   Don't really have the tarballs anywhere yet, but this is how you
   would do it if you got a tarball (from someone who maybe did ~make
   distcheck~ for example).
*** Build requirements
    - C compiler that supports at least C99
    - GNU Make
    - gtk+-3.0
    - liblightdm-gobject-1
*** Build sequence
sudo make install
** Building from VCS
   You can get it from via
darcs get
*** Build requirements
    All the same ones as building from a tarball, but also:
    - autotools
    - autoconf-archive
*** Build sequence
autoreconf -i
sudo make install