concrete functor and monad transformers (fork of ross's transformers)

Migrate Contravariant instances

These were originally defined in the contravariant library. The Data.Contravariant module will be moved to base in base-4.12 (GHC 8.6), so this commit moves the corresponding instances to transformers to accommodate the migration.

RyanGlScottThu Apr 19 21:02:38 UTC 2018

Backport Eq1/Ord1/Read1/Show1 instances for Proxy

RyanGlScottSun Apr 17 15:35:36 UTC 2016

Backport Num/Bits/IsString/etc. instances for Identity

RyanGlScottMon Apr 11 14:01:55 UTC 2016

Require GHC >= 7.0 for DeriveDataTypeable (fixes #19)

It seems it was buggy in 6.12.

Ross PatersonSun Jan 17 02:21:58 UTC 2016

Require GHC >= 7.6 for PolyKinds (fixes #20)

Ross PatersonSun Jan 17 01:57:21 UTC 2016

Backport Bounded, Enum, Ix, and Storable instances for Identity

These instances were added to base-

RyanGlScottTue Dec 22 00:14:03 UTC 2015

Conditionally expose Data.Functor.* modules

As a part of #11135. This conditionally exposes Data.Functor.Classes, Data.Functor.Compose, Data.Functor.Product, and Data.Functor.Sum if using GHC 7.10 or earlier. This also backports Typeable, Data, Generic, and Generic1 instances that will be introduced in base- (GHC 8.0).

RyanGlScottThu Dec 17 17:09:19 UTC 2015

Proper base bounds (for real), backport Monoid Identity instance

It has finally been decided that GHC 8.0 will ship with base-, so we should follow that convention. Also, let's backport the Monoid (Identity a) instance that was introduced in GHC 8.0.

RyanGlScottWed Oct 28 03:40:19 UTC 2015

rename legacy source directories

Ross PatersonMon Sep 28 00:28:06 UTC 2015