some code using ur/web, a language/web framework based on dependent types (ie, Coq, Agda, etc) - a login mechanism with salting (


some demo code for ur/web, demonstrating user authentication/sessions.
 - 30th december 2009 - daniel patterson (
 - 16th december 2011 - all code that I've written is put in the public
   domain. enjoy!
 - 6th march 2013 - adding more code, refactoring, now into a hello
   module and a userpass module
to build, run make - it will compile the c libraries (for hashing and
random numbers) and the app, which for the sake of demo-ease, uses

$ make

(NOTE: this uses the absolute url for the urweb libraries - if you did
not install urweb to the default location, edit the makefile!)

and then to run it, first populate the database:
$ sqlite3 userpass.db < userpass.sql

then run it:
$ ./hello.exe

and visit in your webbrowser http://localhost:8080

you should be able to sign up, log in, log out, and see a list of all users on the system.