benchmarks for hybrid logics


The HyLoBench formula generator

How to use

By default hylobench generates all formulas kinds up to a default parameter (5).

To generate formulas of parameter 10:

$ hylobench -s 10

To list available formulas kinds:

$ hylobench -l

To generate only formulas kinds whose name matches some substring "pigeon":

$ hylobench -b pigeon

Adding new formulas kinds

Edit the module Benchmarks by defining a new FormulaBench and add it to the benchmarks list. Then recompile hylobench and run it.

To send us your formulas kinds, either:


  • Balsiger, P., Heuerding, A., & Schwendimann, S. (2000). A benchmark method for the propositional modal logics K, KT, S4. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 24(3), 297-317.