
xtab, a tableau-based modal prover for Hybrid XPath with Data

How to compile

You need:

  • ghc 8.4 or newer
  • cabal-install 2.4 or newer
  • alex
  • happy

Compilation steps:

  • go to the directory that contains the file xtab.cabal
  • run cabal install and wait

How to run

Where is the binary:

  • the deftab executable will be copied to the default Cabal binary folder, which is ~/.cabal/bin under Linux.
  • it is also available from the current directory (where xtab.cabal can be found) at path ./dist/build/xtab/xtab.

To get help about xtab's options run: xtab --help.

The simplest way to see xtab run with an example formula is, for instance:

  • xtab -f ./examples/theorem.01.dt