My emacs startup customization


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Yet another fork of Emacs Starter Kit

This is a fork of the original `Emacs Starter Kit`_, more precisely of `Gabriele Lanaro's`__
branch of it.



I don't like ``git``, and after a brief period with ``bzr`` I decided to switch back to
``darcs``, that is simple and awesome expecially for this kind of projects, where usually each
single user will want to customize this and that with as little as possible interferences with
whatever upstream is doing, and still being able to record his own changes and freely exchange
those with co-workers. ``darcs`` simply excels at that.


First of all, you may want to move your current configuration in a safe place, maybe simply::

  $ cd ~
  $ mv .emacs.d .emacs.d.old

Then fetch a copy of this repository::

  $ darcs get --lazy .emacs.d

You may want to tweak the file ``.emacs.d/esk/elpa.el`` adjusting the list of external

Finally run::

  $ make

The very first execution will download a few packages from ELPA_. It will also recompile elisp
sources as needed.

I recommend redoing the latter whenever seems reasonable, that is after any configuration tweak
you may do.

Python lint

The ``flymake``-based syntax checker for Python relies on ``pyflakes`` being present on your
system. The best option is to install it system-wide, for example installing it with ``apt-get
install pyflakes``. Alternatively you can install it inside the specific virtualenv associated
with the `virtual desktop` that gets activated with ``M-x activate-virtual-desktop`` (by
default bound to ``F11``), located either at the same level or under that in an ``env``

  $ cd /path/to/project
  $ virtualenv env
  $ source env/bin/activate
  $ pip install -U pyflakes

Python completion

Currently I'm using the excellent Jedi_ library for this task. It gets exposed to Emacs thru
its ``jedi-core`` and ``company-jedi`` packages. You can either follow the instruction__ or do
a system-wide installation with ``apt-get install python-jedi`` and then executing a ``python install`` inside the ``~/.emacs.d/elpa/jedi-core-xyz/`` subdirectory. In the latter
case you shall adjust the ``jedi:server-command`` setting, as I did in the customization
section of ``~/.emacs.d/lele.el``.



You may want to create a file named after your own account name, as I did in
``.emacs.d/lele.el``, where you can put your specific tweaks. That file will be loaded only by
your instances of Emacs. In particular, it should contain your preferred
`user-mail-address`. As this file is loaded very late by ``init.el`` (in particular, after any
``starter-kit-xxx``) it can overwrite any previous configuration detail.

You can also create a sub directory of ``.emacs.d`` named after your account, for example I
have a ``.emacs.d/lele/`` where I store `GNUS` details and state. This directory may contain
specific overrides to any of the customization modules: for example, you can see in
``.emacs.d/lele/elpa.el`` how I augmented the set of external packages loaded from the ELPA
archives. That file gets loaded just after ``.emacs.d/elpa.el``.

If you need to override some module provided either by the emacs-starter-kit or by your system,
or maybe you just wanna evaluate some elisp package, you can use the ``.emacs.d/overrides/``
sub directory that is added *in front* of the Emacs's `load-path` so that it has the highest

.. _emacs starter kit:
.. _elpa:
.. _jedi: