A Bookmarks manager with an HTML generator


A Bookmarks Manager with an HTML Generator.
It depends on two of my libraries, Simtreelo and DescriLo, which may be obtained at Hackage or:



When executed, boomange tries to find the system default configuration directory, using the following priority:
1 - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/boomange
2 - $HOME/.config/boomange
3 - Haskell's getAppUserDataDirectory boomange

It then checks if the directory exists. If it does, it loads the 'config' file that must be there.
If it does not exists, boomange creates the folder, together with a sample configuration, including a .css file and examples of bookmarks.


The config file contains 2 descriptions:

config - configuration of what boomange should do. The possible values inside are:
	output - where the HTML should be placed after generation
	headerFile - file that will be prepended to output
	footerFile - file that will be appended to output
watch - all files that should be watched for bookmarks. The left part of every value is irrelevant, and the right part indicates which file should be read. Each file should be a simtree (which is loaded by SimtreeLo), and all leaves are treated as the URL of their parent, which means that no parent should have more than 1 leaf as its children.