Various C# experimentations
Short summaries:
Generalized corecursive static variables via simulating multiple static
constructors (ie. delayed initializers).
Test using self-inheritance for fixed points of constructors, and how to
easily derive Nat and Tree using this method.
FreeMonads: (UNSAFE)
Early experiment using boxed free monads Contains a small example of how to
build sequential language representations. Containts Haskell code for
Functors: (UNSAFE)
Early experiment demonstrating mu morphisms. Contains examples of mu-nats
and mu-lists as well as a factorial function using these. Contains Haskell
code for comparison.
Demonstration using Free (,) “finalized lists” as well as how to use a
bottom type to statically ensure it to be infinite. Contains Haskell code for
Demonstration of reifying dictionaries to write polymorphic code. This
doubles as a safe and usable implementation of monads.
Experiment of using inheritence for sum types, not too great since it doesn't
prohibit further descendants of the type, and doesn't allow impredicative
polymorphism (eg. Nothing :: forall a. Maybe a).
A tiny collection of useful types for future use: Monad/Functor dicts,
Sum/Product types as well as 1 and 0.