# Shoe store
A simple scotty + persistent + sqlite webapp to demonstrate haskell fu
(or lack thereof).
Kaalani is "leg-wear" in Tamil[1].
## Set up
I haven't tested this outside of a sandbox.
cabal sandbox init
cabal install --dependencies-only --enable-tests
cabal build
## Test Suite
Tests are based on HSpec + Quickcheck. There can be a lot more tests added,
especially to the web part. In the interest of saving time, I have added only
the cases that I considered essential to progress with reasonable confidence.
Most of the tests use in-memory Sqlite. However, for a few higher level tests
that verify atomicity, a persistent DB is used (saved on /tmp). Text files are
also created and deleted (on /tmp again).
`cabal test`
## Running the app
There are two executables. The executable for starting the web server (kaalani)
and a primitive executable (kpost) to add a shoe by calling POST on the web server.
The web app creates a Sqlite DB in the current directory (shoes.db). The uploaded
files are saved on "uploads/img" directory in the source tree. If the app is run
from a different folder than the root folder (housing kaalani.cabal), the upload
directory needs to be created there.
The following command should get the web server up and running.
`cabal run kaalani`
Assuming `cabal build` completed successfully, the `kpost` executable can be used
to `POST` to the running web server.
The web app can be accessed at: http://localhost:3000/shoes. (POST url is the same).
[1]: http://translate.google.com/#ta/en/காலணி