example (fictional) darcshub feed sentences


who       | verb        | from                   | preposition | to                     | when
simon     | patched     |                        |             | simon/y                | about 3 hours ago
simon     | pulled      | pointfree/x            | into        | simon/y                | about 2 hours ago
simon     | opened      | issue/3                | in          | ganesh/ssh             | about 2 minutes ago
simon     | closed      | issue/4                | in          | ganesh/ssh             | about 5 minutes ago
maerwald  | tagged      | simon/darcsden/issue/4 | as          | ssl                    | about 5 minutes ago
simon     | forked      | simon/z                | to          | simon/a                | about 30 minutes ago
pointfree | subscribed  |                        | to          | simon/a                | about 30 minutes ago
pointfree | initialized | pointfree/b            |             |                        | about 30 minutes ago
pointfree | mentioned   | simon                  | in          | simon/darcsden/issue/5 | about 1 minute ago
pointfree | enabled     | issues                 | on          | pointfree/amforth      | about 1 minute ago
pointfree | added       | simon                  | to          | pointfree/ssh          | about 1 minute ago

Issue subject line, repo summary, record message, and other short descriptions go in the Description field of the document. When a user is mentioned the comment in which they where mentioned becomes the description. Username will be in bold. There will also be a Details field in these documents.