draw with the mouse in your terminal
forth-sixel | terminal raster graphics and gui's in forth
This is useful for gui's and graphics over a uart from a microcontroller without a separate display or extra supporting (gtk, qt) software on the host. An oscope gui for a microcontroller ADC for instance.

XTerm with --enable-dec-locator --enable-sixel-graphics --with-terminal-id=VT340 configure option:
xterm -ti 340 -e gforth paint.4th
- DONE run-length encoding of framebuffer for faster display over slow uart or radio link.
- TODO colors
- TODO lines, circles, ellipses, and Bézier curves: http://members.chello.at/~easyfilter/bresenham.html
- TODO signed-distance functions: https://github.com/flagxor/sdf http://jamie-wong.com/2016/07/15/ray-marching-signed-distance-functions/ http://iquilezles.org/www/articles/distfunctions/distfunctions.htm
- TODO composable ( forthy) gui words?...
I'm Andreas Bernhard Wagner, my name is pointfree on freenode and reddit. My email is andreas.wagner@lowfatcomputing.org