hikari wayland compositor (https://hikari.acmelabs.space)

#43cannot bind view-cycle-prev to A+Tab or L+Tab properly


I fail to make "Alt Tab switching" work in hikari, similar to Gnome or other window managers. That is: Pressing Alt Tab (or Logo Tab) should switch to the previously active window and make it visible (raise it to the front).

What I've tested so far:

  • Have 2 windows open (here: alacritty + firefox)
  • Enable this keyboard binding: "A+Tab" = view-cycle-prev

Result: The focus switches from alacritty to firefox (visible by the block cursor becoming a square) but the firefox window does not raise to the front. (Workaround: Press Logo key afterwards or F11 if bound to maximize windows; then firefox is shown.)

Another test:

  • Have 2 windows open (here: alacritty + firefox)
  • Enable this keyboard binding: "L+Tab" = view-cycle-prev

Result: This switches between the windows and also raises the other window. However, not always...! Sometimes the other window is not raised to the front.
