darcs repository web UI and hosting app. This is the main darcsden trunk, which also runs hub.darcs.net. (https://hub.darcs.net)
#140OpenSSH 7.0 can't negotiate with darcsden.
Pushing a repository fails with this message:
"Unable to negotiate with no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1"
A workaround is mentioned here: http://www.openssh.com/legacy.html
Also in the ssh troubleshooting advice on the front page.
Patches (to the ssh lib) welcome!
- added tag security
More discussion here: http://hub.darcs.net/ganesh/ssh/issue/5
darcs hub is now running [@pointfree's curve25519 branch of ssh](/pointfree/ssh-curve25519-sha256), so the "KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1" in ~/.ssh/config workaround is no longer needed.
PS we'll close this issue when this lands in the released ssh package.
- removed tag security
I cannot push with OpenSSH 5.9 anymore. Is it safe to post output of 'ssh -v' here or shall I send private e-mail?
@thielema, is it possible to upgrade to at least OpenSSH 6.5?
If you are using Mac OS X you could upgrade OpenSSH to a newer version with something like Macports or Homebrew. https://brew.sh/
I have yet Ubuntu 12.04. Fortunately, it is easy to build openssh-7.4p1 from source. That's what I have done. I also had to add 'PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-dss' to .ssh/config. Right? Now, it works again.
I'm glad that was possible. Re
, our ssh server still offers some outdated algorithms I believe, would be good to update those too.It looks like generating a new key pair would also work.