thielema's repositories
- accelerate-arithmetic — Linear algebra and interpolation using the Accelerate framework
- accelerate-cublas — Basic Linear Algebra using native CUBLAS library
- accelerate-cufft — Accelerate frontend to the CUFFT library (Fourier transform)
- accelerate-fftw — Accelerate frontend to the FFTW library (Fourier transform)
- accelerate-fourier — Fast Fourier transform and convolution using the Accelerate framework
- accelerate-fourier-benchmark — Compare different implementations of the Fast Fourier Transform
- accelerate-obsidian-arithmetic — Arithmetic functions implemented for CUDA using the Obsidian framework
- accelerate-utility — Utility functions for the Accelerate framework
- align-audio — Find relative time displacement of two recordings of the same music
- align-audio-blas — Find relative time displacement of two recordings of the same music
- amiga2022 — Vortrag über Amiga im Eigenbaukombinat (
- apportionment — Round a set of numbers while maintaining its sum
- audacity — Interchange with the Audacity sound signal editor
- audiovideo-example — Example of video processing using libav
- battleship-combinatorics — Compute number of possible arrangements in the battleship game
- bibliography — Bibtex files for my publications and publications I cite
- bio-antakya — Convert BASE-Online catalogue to CSV
- blas-carray — Auto-generated interface to Fortran BLAS via CArrays
- blas-comfort-array — Auto-generated interface to Fortran BLAS via comfort-array
- blas-ffi — Auto-generated interface to Fortran BLAS
- bob2015 — Slides for bobkonf 2015 talk on GPU programming in Haskell
- bob2019 — Slides for bobkonf 2019 talk on LAPACK
- bool8 — Alternative Bool type stored as byte
- boomwhacker — Convert MIDI file to play-along boomwhacker animation
- boomwhacker-example — Video projects for Boomwhacker play-along animations
- buffer-pipe — Read from stdin and write to stdout in large blocks
- cabal-flatpak — Generate a FlatPak manifest from a Cabal package description
- cabal-scripts — Shell scripts for support of Cabal maintenance
- cabal-sort — Topologically sort cabal packages
- calendar-recycling — List years with the same calendars
- car-pool — Simple web-server for organizing car-pooling for an event
- carray — A C-compatible array library.
- cblas-ffi — Interface to extra functions in CBLAS
- check-pvp — Check whether module and package imports conform to the PVP
- checksum — Compute and verify checksums of ISBN, IBAN, etc.
- classify-frog — Classify sounds produced by Xenopus laevis
- classify-frog-doc — Documentation for classify-frog
- coinor-clp — Linear Programming using COIN-OR and comfort-array
- combinatorial — Count, enumerate, rank and unrank combinatorial objects
- comfort-array — Arrays where the index type is a function of the shape type
- comfort-array-shape — Additional shape types for the comfort-array package
- comfort-blas — Numerical Basic Linear Algebra using BLAS
- comfort-fftw — High-level interface to FFTW (Fast Fourier Transform) based on comfort-array
- comfort-fftw-extra — Signal processing algorithms based on FFTW and BLAS
- comfort-glpk — Linear Programming using GLPK and comfort-array
- comfort-graph — Graph structure with type parameters for nodes and edges
- concurrent-split — MVars and Channels with distinguished input and output side
- cutter — Cut files according to a position list
- darcs-scripts — Shell scripts for support of darcs workflow
- data-ref — Unify STRef and IORef in plain Haskell 98
- database-lean — Computation of candidate keys from functional dependencies
- deep-thought — Deep Thought donation box supervised by a Raspberry Pi
- doberkat — Refactored examples from Doberkat's Haskell book
- doctest-exitcode-stdio — Run doctest's in a Cabal.Test.exitcode-stdio environment
- doctest-extract — Alternative doctest implementation that extracts comments to modules
- doctest-lib — Parts of doctest exposed as library
- donation-box — Raspberry Pi program for a chatty donation box
- elster2023 — Talk about German tax declaration submission system ELSTER
- explicit-exception — Exceptions which are explicit in the type signature.
- fft — Bindings to the FFTW library.
- fftw-ffi — Low-level interface to FFTW (Fast Fourier Transform)
- fixed-length — Lists with statically known length based on non-empty package.
- german-numeral — Convert numbers to German numerals
- ghostscript-parallel — Let Ghostscript render pages in parallel
- group-by-date — Shell command for grouping files by dates into folders
- guarded-allocation — Memory allocation with added stress tests and integrity checks
- hackage-processing — Process 00-index.tar.gz from Hackage
- haskell-devscripts — Fork of Debian packaging scripts for Haskell containing support for packaging executables
- highs-lp — Linear Programming using HiGHS and comfort-array
- hirsch-heinrich — Postprocess and compose tracks for Hirsch Heinrich's song
- hmatrix-banded — HMatrix interface to LAPACK functions for banded matrices
- hmm-hmatrix — Hidden Markov Models using HMatrix primitives
- hmm-lapack — Hidden Markov Models using HMatrix primitives
- htam-lean — Various math examples using Lean 4
- htam-liquid — Various math examples using Liquid Haskell
- hxt — A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell.
- hxt-filter — A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell (Filter variant).
- interpolation — piecewise linear and cubic Hermite interpolation
- ix-shapable — Reshape multi-dimensional arrays.
- jack — Bindings for the JACK Audio Connection Kit
- jhc — Fork of JHC containing small enhancements in the libraries
- knead — Repa array processing using LLVM JIT
- knead-arithmetic — Linear algebra and interpolation using LLVM JIT
- krippen — "Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier" - MIDI, audio and video processing
- lapack — Numerical Linear Algebra using LAPACK
- lapack-0.5 — Numerical Linear Algebra using LAPACK
- lapack-carray — Auto-generated interface to Fortran LAPACK via CArrays
- lapack-comfort-array — Auto-generated interface to Fortran LAPACK via comfort-array
- lapack-ffi — Auto-generated interface to Fortran LAPACK
- lapack-ffi-tools — Generator for Haskell interface to Fortran LAPACK
- lapack-hmatrix — Conversion of objects between 'lapack' and 'hmatrix'
- lean2025 — Slides for Leaning.In 2025 Talk on Correctness proofs of Fast Fourier Transforms
- linear-circuit — Compute resistance of linear electrical circuits
- linear-programming — Linear Programming basic definitions
- linuxpd2018 — Linux Presentation Day 2018 May
- livesequencer — Live coding of MIDI music
- livesequencer-example — Example songs for Haskell live sequencer
- llvm-dsl — Support for writing an EDSL with LLVM-JIT as target
- llvm-extension — Processor specific intrinsics for the llvm interface
- llvm-ffi — FFI bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit.
- llvm-ffi-tools — Tools for maintaining the llvm-ffi package
- llvm-pkg-config — Generate Pkg-Config configuration file for LLVM
- llvm2013 — Slides for LLVM meeting 2014-04-30, Paris
- llvm2014 — Slides for LLVM tutorial at HaL-9, 2014-06-20
- llvm2014-code — Example code for LLVM tutorial at HaL-9, 2014-06-20
- m3coco — Compiler-Compiler in Modula-3, a fork featuring dynamic number of symbols, productions etc.
- magico — Compute solutions for Magico puzzle
- math-software-2011 — Lecture notes and example modules for Haskell lecture
- math-software-2013 — Example modules for Haskell lecture
- mbox — List contents of an mbox file containing e-mails
- med-module — Parse song module files from Amiga MED and OctaMED
- meissner-dom — Twinkling stars that form an image
- midi — Handling of MIDI messages and files
- midi-alsa — Convert between datatypes of the midi and the alsa packages
- midi-music-box — Convert MIDI file to music box punch tape
- midi-status — Handling of MIDI messages and files; handle compression bug within version range 0.2.1.* (fork of thielema's midi)
- mobile-speech — Simulate the audio effect of a bad mobile phone connection
- nedit — NEdit modes for Syntax Highlighting
- netlib-carray — Helper modules for CArray wrappers to BLAS and LAPACK
- netlib-comfort-array — Helper modules for comfort-array wrappers to BLAS and LAPACK
- netlib-ffi — Helper modules for FFI to BLAS and LAPACK
- noise-reduction — Reduce noise in an audio file
- non-empty — List-like structures with static restrictions on the number of elements
- nordstrand — Postprocssing of audio streams for the song Nordstrand
- numeric-prelude — An experimental alternative hierarchy of numeric type classes
- obsidian-arithmetic — Arithmetic functions for the Obsidian framework
- ods2csv — Convert Open Document Spreadsheet ODS to CSV
- patch-image — Compose a big image from overlapping parts
- pathtype — Type-safe access to filepath manipulations
- physical-unit-lean — Physical units and quantities with type-checked dimensions in Lean4
- pooled-io — Run jobs on a limited number of threads and support data dependencies
- portmidi-utility — PortMidi utilities
- prelude-compat — Provide Prelude and Data.List with fixed content across GHC versions
- prelude2010 — Provide Prelude with fixed content across GHC versions
- quickcheck-transformer — A GenT monad transformer for QuickCheck library.
- reactive-balsa — Programmatically edit MIDI events via ALSA and reactive-banana
- reactive-banana-bunch — Extend reactive-banana to multiple events per time point
- reactive-jack — Process MIDI events via reactive-banana and JACK
- reactive-midyim — Process MIDI events via reactive-banana
- redblacktree — Type-safe red-black-tree, proof of concept
- repa-fft — Attempt to implement Cooley-Tukey Fourier transform in Repa, now deprecated in favor of accelerate-fourier
- resistor-cube — Compute total resistance of a cube of resistors
- routing — Small-scale routing using various optimizers
- saksell — Translation of HTML pages with automatic relinking
- schulfrei2015 — Beitrag zu Schulfrei-Festival 2015: Freies Lernen und Freie Software
- set-cover — Solve exact set cover problems like Sudoku, 8 Queens, Soma Cube, Tetris Cube
- shell-utility — Utility functions for writing command-line programs
- sound-collage — Approximate a song from other pieces of sound
- sox — Play, write, read, convert audio signals using Sox
- soxlib — Write, read, convert audio signals using libsox
- soxlib-old — Write, read, convert audio signals using libsox - old conversion to darcs-2, I will delete it in the future
- sportpunkte — Approximate strength of players given scores of pair matches
- starquake — Postprocssing of audio streams for the Starquake songs
- stil2013 — Slides for HaL-8 tutorial on Haskell programming style
- stm-split — TMVars, TVars and TChans with distinguished input and output side
- storable-enum — Wrapper that makes any Enum type Storable
- storablevector-carray — Conversion between storablevector and carray
- sum-pyramid — Create Sum Pyramid (Additionstreppe) exercises
- synthi-llvm2016 — slides for synthesizer-llvm tutorial on HaL 2016
- tausend-sterne — signal post-processing for Tausend Sterne video
- test-edit-file — Test file modification at via its web interface
- tfp — Type-level integers, booleans, lists using type families
- tfp-th — Template-Haskell code for tfp
- types2015 — Slides for HaL-10 tutorial on Haskell 98 type tricks
- unicode — Construct and transform unicode characters
- unique-logic — Solve simple simultaneous equations
- unique-logic-tf — Solve simple simultaneous equations
- unmed2 — Extract useful information from MED files
- unsafe — Unified interface to unsafe functions
- wavelet — Research library for wavelets and refinable functions
- wittenberg2019 — donation box for the school Friedrichstadt in Wittenberg
- youtube — Upload video to YouTube via YouTube API