Simple wrapper around libssh2 in Haskell
#7Using hostname instead of IP address results in "Left KnownhostsCheck"
Dear Maintainer,
SSH.runSimpleSSH $ SSH.withSessionPassword "" 22 "/home/name/.ssh/known_hosts" "name" "geheim" (-> SSH.execCommand a "ls -la")
has as result "Left KnownhostsCheck"
whereas using an IP address instead of the hostname like here:
SSH.runSimpleSSH $ SSH.withSessionPassword "" 22 "/home/name/.ssh/known_hosts" "name" "geheim" (-> SSH.execCommand a "ls -la")
has as result the expected directory listing.
Running the program with ltrace shows me:
libssh2_knownhost_check(0x965a20, 0x954d40, 0x965df0, 279) = 2
According to the header the return value 2 means:
I'm not sure if this is something you can fix in simplessh or if my known_hosts file is to blame.
- description updated
- description updated
- description updated
- status set to closed
It looks like the libssh2 I am using is to blame for the failure. So I am closing this issue.