Hakyll blog based on DarkFox's, with yyyy/mm/dd directories for posts (http://hakyll.robnugen.com)



hakyll-journal is a blank website generator using Hakyll. It stores its posts in yyyy/mm/dd folders. It does not (yet) have pagination. Pull requests are welcome.

This project is based on code from DarkFox.

Hakyll is a Haskell library for generating static sites, mostly aimed at small-to-medium sites and personal blogs. It is written in a very configurable way and uses an xmonad-like DSL for configuration.


get code

git clone https://github.com/thunderrabbit/hakyll-journal.git --single-branch journal
cd journal    # see 'modify site.hs if needed' below
cabal sandbox init
cabal install --only-dependencies

Installing on the dependencies takes about 20 minutes. During that time, open a new terminal and set up ~/.ssh/confg:

set up deploy info

cd ~/.ssh
touch config

Append something like this to ~/.ssh/config, using appropriate ssh info for your website:

Host hakyll
    HostName your.haskyll.site
    User username

Make sure config is 0600:

cd ~/.ssh
chmod 600 config

Note, hakyll (and the path to which this site is designed to be remotely deployed) is hardcoded in the site.hs. If desired, change it before running cabal install:

modify site.hs if needed

While/after cabal install --only-dependencies finishes, optionally edit ~/journal/site.hs:

Lines 40 and 41 specify where the site will be deployed. Currently it's deployed to ~/public on local machine, and to a server identified as "hakyll" via ~/.ssh/config.

Line 205 specifies that the site lives at ~/journalon your local machine. Because this installation knows where it lives,site buildandsite deploy``` can be run from anywhere.

finish compilation

cd ~/journal
cabal install

add it to your PATH

While cabal install finishes, add ~/journal to your PATH, by appending the following to ~/.bash_profile

#adding next line for hakyll-journal (to do site deploy and site build without typing ./site)
export PATH="$HOME/journal/.cabal-sandbox/bin:$PATH"

build and deploy

Now we can build and deploy the site (from anywhere on your local machine!):

site build
site deploy

If you have no (other) local webserver set up, just

site watch

and visit your site locally.

your personal blog

Update your blog files in ~/journal/posts/yyyy/mm/dd directories

Update .md files in ~/journal/ to include your personalized info.

After making your changes, build and deploy to see them on your site.

Use the directory ~/travels/ and its children as a template for other non-dated "pages" on your site

Adding other page directories will require changing site.hs

After changing site.hs, do cabal install then build and deploy.


The theme is taken from [DarkFox], though I replaced his cool fox logo with a crappy logo that you can have free. Change it by replacing ~/journal/images/logo.png and optionally searching for 'logo.png' in ~/journal/css/default.css.