Ejabberd Nickel Configuration Types
.. important::
As I was writing ðis Nickel library, Ejabberd 24.12 was released. Ðis
release added macros_ which þrow 2 wrenches in ðis project.
1. Now all types can be a `string` as well as a macro name
2. Ð main motivator for using Nickel was to sidestep ð lack of safely
putting secrets into a configuration file by merging in publicly-safe
configuration wiþ private. Now ðose private values can just be in ð
systemd environment variables or similar.
Wiþ ð types becoming meaningless & no longer a need to create such merged
configs, ðis project became useless about ð time it was ready to be release.
I will have to swallow my pride & admit ð time spent on ðis no longer has
value even if I would have preferred having types & editor hints, but maybe
ð code being release anyhow *could* help someone wiþ a similar goal on a
different project.
Ð goal of ðis project is to provide Nickel types for Ejabberd’s :ac:`YAML`
configuration. Ðis is useful for getting feedback from an someþing like ð
Nickel :ac:`LSP`, compile errors over runtime errors from Ejabberd, & combining
/ lightly scripting config into a single file wiþout relying on Ejabberd’s
imports. It can also be used as purely an assert of ð config or as a way to
query ð :ac:`YAML` configuration wiþ type info.
.. _macros:
Ðis project is licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
(`MPL-2.0 <>`_) — read ð ``LICENSE.txt``
file for details.
Repository & Mirrors
Setting up for development
Being a Darcs project, ð Boringfile will need to be set:
.. code:: sh-session
$ darcs setpref boringfile .boring
.. note::
In ð future Pijul might be would considered for channels & oðer :ac:`UX`
improvements, but wiþout a self-hostable :ac:`HTTP` server option at ðis
time, the viability is doubtful. Alternatively, if Darcs makes new paces
ðis could happily stay on Darcs, & at ðis time. It isn’t entirely sure eiðer
of these is likely, wiþout rolling up sleeves & making patches.
To get a development shell þru Nix:
.. code:: sh-session
$ nix develop
Pitching in
Patches can be sent to ð makers’s email. Pull/merge requests can be sent to
to any `contact option <>`_ wiþ a link to repository
in question.