C library for mixtures of exponential families (fork of oschwand's libmef)



                           Olivier Schwander

1 Description

  `libmef' is a C library allowing to manipulate, learn, simplify and
  compare mixtures of exponential families. It is designed to ease the
  use of various exponential families in mixture models.

  See also [jMEF] for a Java implementation of the same kind of library
  and [pyMEF] for a Python version.

  The C implementation allows to build easily bindings to other language
  and thus to put mixtures of exponential families into /your/

  [jMEF] http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~nielsen/MEF/

  [pyMEF] http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~schwander/pyMEF/

2 What are exponential families?

  An exponential family is a generic set of probability distributions
  that admit the following canonical distribution:

  \[ p_F(x; \theta) = \exp \left( \langle t(x) | \theta \rangle -
    F(\theta) + k(x) \right) \]

  Exponential families are characterized by the log normalizer function
  F, and include the following well-known distributions: Gaussian
  (generic, isotropic Gaussian, diagonal Gaussian, rectified Gaussian or
  Wald distributions, lognormal), Poisson, Bernoulli, binomial,
  multinomial, Laplacian, Gamma (incl. chi-squared), Beta, exponential,
  Wishart, Dirichlet, Rayleigh, probability simplex, negative binomial
  distribution, Weibull, von Mises, Pareto distributions, skew logistic,

  Mixtures of exponential families provide a generic framework for
  handling Gaussian mixture models (GMMs also called MoGs for mixture of
  Gaussians), mixture of Poisson distributions, and Laplacian mixture
  models as well.

3 Documentation

3.1 Algorithms

  • Bregman Soft Clustering
  • Bregman Hard Clustering (soon)
  • Kernel Density Estimator (soon)
  • $k$-MLE
  • $k$-MLE for Gamma mixtures
  • $k$-MLE for generalized Gaussian mixtures

3.2 Families

  • Univariate Gaussian
  • Gamma
  • Generalized Gaussian

  Do not hesitate to contribute with your own family (tutorial to come)

3.3 Examples

  See the `examples/' sub-directory inside the sources.


  • [file:libmef-0.1.tar.gz] (as used in the SIMBAD 2013 paper)

4.1 Darcs repository

  • Get: `darcs get
  • Browse: [http://hub.darcs.net/oschwand/libmef]

4.2 Installation

  You will need [cmake] and the [GNU Scientific Library] in order to
  compile `libmef'.

  │ cmake .
  │ make
  │ cd examples; make # for the examples

  [cmake] http://cmake.org/

  [GNU Scientific Library] http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/

5 Bibliography

  • Olivier Schwander and Frank Nielsen, *Fast learning of Gamma mixture
    models with k-MLE*, SIMBAD 2013

  • Olivier Schwander, Frank Nielsen, Aurélien Schutz and Yannick
    Berthoumieu, *k-MLE for mixtures of generalized Gaussians*, , ICPR

  • Olivier Schwander and Frank Nielsen, *Learning Mixtures by
    Simplifying Kernel Density Estimators*, in [Matrix Information
    Geometry], Springer, 2012

  • Olivier Schwander and Frank Nielsen, *pyMEF - A framework for
    Exponential Families in Python*, in *Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE
    Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing*

  • Vincent Garcia, Frank Nielsen, and Richard Nock, *Levels of details
    for Gaussian mixture models*, in *Proceedings of the Asian
    Conference on Computer Vision, Xi'an, China, September 2009*

  • Frank Nielsen and Vincent Garcia, *Statistical exponential families:
    A digest with flash cards*, arXiV, [http://arxiv.org/abs/0911.4863],
    November 2009

  • Frank Nielsen and Richard Nock, *Sided and symmetrized Bregman
    centroids*, in *IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2009, 55,

  • Frank Nielsen, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Richard Nock, *On Bregman
    Voronoi diagrams*, in *ACM-SIAM Symposium on Data Mining, 2007,

  • A. Banerjee, S. Merugu, I. Dhillon, and J. Ghosh, *Clustering with
    Bregman divergences*, in *Journal of Machine Learning Research,
    2005, 6, 234-245*

  [Matrix Information Geometry]

6 Contacts

  Please send any comment or bug report to [Olivier Schwander].

  [Olivier Schwander] mailto:schwander@lix.polytechnique.fr