Docs for the site (fork of simon's darcshub-docs)  (


Welcome to

..also known as Darcs Hub!

Darcs is a version control system that's easy to use. This site, Darcs Hub, aims to

  1. provide reliable and usable public hosting of Darcs-managed repositories (like and, but better)
  2. accelerate the development of Darcs and related tools (through increased visibility, dogfooding and automation).

Darcs hub is open to new users and suitable for daily use; you can expect occasional bugs, but not data loss. Please try it out (see the FAQ for usage tips) and report problems (email Simon, discuss on #darcs or report an issue). Here is the project roadmap including a summary of known issues.

The site was announced in September 2012 (mail, reddit). It is running a new version of Alex Suraci's darcsden software (announcement, code).

Here are a few interesting repos to browse (add /atom to get a feed of changes):
acid-state, Agda, BlogLiterately, darcsden, darcs-screened, ghc-old, graphviz, hackage-server, happstack, hledger, scoutess