A hack'n'slay game written in haskell (fork of seppeljordan's hackslay) (http://sebastiandev.net/blog/)
- Ai
- Data
- Graphics
- Level
- Physics
- Reactive
- Test
- Tiling
- Tools
- WorldState
- resources
- ActiveSkill.hs
- Aiming.hs
- Animation.hs
- Block.hs
- Classes.hs
- Collision.hs
- Game.hs
- GameControl.hs
- GameHooks.hs
- GameLogic.hs
- GameRendering.hs
- Graphics.hs
- IntID.hs
- Level.hs
- Movement.hs
- Player.hs
- Projectile.hs
- README.org
- Random.hs
- Setup.hs
- Skill.hs
- Tiling.hs
- WorldState.hs
- default.nix
- env.nix
- hackandslay.cabal
- hslay.hs
- htiled.nix
- shell.nix
* Introduction
This program will become a videogame one day. See
=hackandslay.cabal= for the dependencies.
* License
The fonts found in the game are taken from the [[https://www.gnu.org/software/freefont/][GNU FreeFont Project]].
The fonts are licensed under the GNU GPLv3, as is the game itself.
* Nix Integration
The author of this program uses nix to manage the haskell package
dependencies. For this reason there is a nix expression
(=shell.nix=) stored in the repository that creates a shell with all
dependencies built.
As of now (April 2015) the =sdl2-ttf= package does not build in the
standard nixos environment but there are some versions on github
that are modified from the hackage version that should build.
* [[https://github.com/seppeljordan/sdl2-ttf][sdl2-ttf haskell package]]