A database which you can own, because it's so simple.
Some practice with Pascal (to teach another person)
The development of a heterogenous map type, presented at the London Haskell Users Group in May 2014
Examples of 3D graphics programming with OpenGL
in a word, a package manager for forth words
My entry for the Seven Day Roguelike game jam
my solution to the 99 questions in haskell
[Archived] My personal dev machine
My personal home directory
[Archived] My personal home directory
[Archived] My personal home directory
Simple web application to upload & download file
Abalone game in Haskell
abdul repo for test
Linear algebra and interpolation using the Accelerate framework
Basic Linear Algebra using native CUBLAS library
Accelerate frontend to the CUFFT library (Fourier transform)
Accelerate frontend to the FFTW library (Fourier transform)
Fast Fourier transform and convolution using the Accelerate framework
Compare different implementations of the Fast Fourier Transform
Kullback-Liebler divergence via accelerate
Arithmetic functions implemented for CUDA using the Obsidian framework
GPU-accelerate perceptual hashes in Haskell
Utility functions for the Accelerate framework
TLS support for Data.Acid.Remote
playing with acid-state
A class for types with a distinguished aesthetically pleasing value
fastest Haskell PONG server in the world
Miscellaneous newtypes for orderings of discutable use.
Schoenfinkelization package: proper names for curry and uncurry.
acme text editor scripts and stuff
Humorous measurement units
execute a set of actions (e.g. parsers) in each possible order
a darn fast dfa (using llvm)
Old text adventure EDSL
AESC ML project
Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language.
An Agda library containing a simple foundation for works in intensional type theory
random agda experiments
Agda is a dependently typed functional programming language.
Agda UHC backend prototype
An IRC bot in Agda
An Agda Tutorial
CC GUI thing
adam's language
A collection of shell scripts for an talking alarm including getting weather (using the wunderground api) and bbc news.
beanstalkd client for KDB+ 3.0
The equivalence problem in algebraic models of programs (some new results/algorithms and attempts at their practical applications)
Geometric algebra for graphics
Find relative time displacement of two recordings of the same music
Find relative time displacement of two recordings of the same music
Библиотека для преобразования базовых(встроенных) типов данных(БТД).
Библиотека для обработки конфигурационных файлов по умолчанию.
Библиотека для обработки исключений.
Библиотека для разбора информации о пакетах в формате portage.
Программа для поиска пакетов, которые нужно обновить через пакетный менеджер portage.
Утилита для форматирования файлов portage/package.*
Графическая библиотека на базе OpenGL Core Profile(>3.3).
A simple queue processor for sending with amazon's SES; queue is postgres table
amforth words for the AD9851 DDS
ambient light, color, and proximity sensor
rgba, xyz sensor. air+touch gestures
Support for TI CC1101 radios in amforth. Possibly CC111x/CC112x in the future.
display drivers
amforth drivers for Semtech LoRa radios
RAiO RA8875 display driver
Reading SDHC/MicroSD cards with amforth
Winbond SPI Discrete Flash
Vortrag über Amiga im Eigenbaukombinat
my modified version of anchor cms
Agar.io client for android
an attempt at an angry birds like game
a bouncing ball demo for testing animation smoothness in haskell, cross-platform SDL
Anime tracking
Count authors per line of the repo
Title says it all.
Solutions to ANSI CL (by Paul Graham) exercises
game engine based on ansi terminal
server configuration for ks-server (haskell, mongodb, nginx)
A web frontend for antisplice dungeons
referring expression generation for dictionary definitions
A dungeon engine
Advent of Code
Updates to AP5 for loading into ABCLv1.9.0
NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day
Apple array language
Round a set of numbers while maintaining its sum
Arabesque media player
ArchiCheck is a simple tool to describe software architecture and check code compliance with it
Templates and small tools to accelerate development
Toolset to convert legacy programs to modern development platforms and programming languages
Parsers for analyzing the legacy applications to be converted
Software for automated control of a Parrot AR. Drone
Software for automated control of a Parrot AR. Drone
nixops deployments
ARRAY2024 slides
arrow preprocessor
arrow classes and transformers
Various articles
An Ascii-Art Implementation of the Mandelbrot set in C
Home automation using only ash as programming language and 1wire as sesors and switches.
CC packer with more shit added
These introductory examples of mine can be run on the educational assembly implementation writhen by others, see Apoo assembly's project page http://www.ncc.up.pt/Apoo/ See also Little Man's Computer assembly applet implementation on http://www.acs.ilstu.edu/faculty/javila/lmc/
Use Atom to blink an LED on your arduino
Various ATS-related packages written in Haskell
Interchange with the Audacity sound signal editor
convert waw to mp3 or ogg
Example of video processing using libav
Host-based forth for avr. ATmega328P support. A fork of krue's work.
Scraper for FlippingBook e-books
Work with Ddb, S3, SQS
display backlight controller
back tester
A backup system relying on snapshot-capable filesystems
Backup tool
Static site generator for kotka.de
Script for automating nightly machine backups using rsync (bash)
Diffusiophoresis-Enhanced Turing Patterns
Codes for diffusiophoresis-enhanced Turing patterns
Calculate statistics for BAM short read alignment files
lemonbar script for OpenBSD
Basilisk source code
Basilisk source code
Scripts to monitor battery status on a Linux computer using acpi
Compute number of possible arrangements in the battleship game
Cross-platform binding for text layout and rendering
Bayer filter simulations and algorithms
Efficient Matrix operations in 100% Haskell.
A repository wiþ a basic framework for building Vim plugins wiþ Nix Flakes
Learning the Haskell Language
Prototype implementation for https://github.com/nemunaire/bellis/wiki
Home of bettas.
Brainfuck interpreter in Zig (WIP)
bhyve init script
BibTeX database
Bibtex files for my publications and publications I cite
Binary search implementation in PureScript
Convert BASE-Online catalogue to CSV
just reading from stdio
Auto-generated interface to Fortran BLAS via CArrays
Auto-generated interface to Fortran BLAS via comfort-array
Auto-generated interface to Fortran BLAS
Johannes Gerer's blazeT from hackage, updated to ghc > 8.0.1
bluetooth low energy
efficient block storage layer
my personal blog
is blog
Blog article sources
A tool for writing and uploading blog posts
Include images in blog posts with inline diagrams code
Reactive control system
Photo utilities
fuel injection
Slides for bobkonf 2015 talk on GPU programming in Haskell
Slides for bobkonf 2019 talk on LAPACK
Store bookmarks of webpages
A simple document organizer with some wiki functionality
Alternative Bool type stored as byte
Normal form representation for boolean expressions
A Bookmarks manager with an HTML generator
DSL which defines a parser and pretty printer at the same time
Convert MIDI file to play-along boomwhacker animation
Video projects for Boomwhacker play-along animations
bootstrap files for vm config
Find minimal number of journeys (start and finish in one node; with given maximal effort) to visit every edge of a graph
[Rust] Easily add entries to Darcs' and Pijul's boring/ignore files
My irc bot, currently made for notifying irc when I go live on twitch
A drop-in replacement for memcached that also supports a subset of the relational algebra
Brainfuck interpreter. EOF = 0, wrapping 8-bit cells, wrapping 30000 cell memory
My Gentoo overlay
Brent's personal tool
Brent's personal LaTeX stuff
Common types and URIs for the BronyRadioGermany API bindings.
Conduit interface for the BronyRadioGermany API
Streaming interface for the BronyRadioGermany API.
An experiment in building a web browser
A brush-based level editor, ala Quake/Half-life
Btrfs backup script for incremental backups
1D bubble mass transfer code
Buddhabrot drawing
Read from stdin and write to stdout in large blocks
Scripts for building Global Script, both on your machine and in a container
Typeclass for builders of linear data structures
Following along the Building Git book
Source for blog posts at byorgey.wordpress.com
Converting ByteStrings to and from Word64s
ByteString-backed handles
Efficient construction of readable byte strings from values
libbz2 bindings for Haskell
Haskell bindings to libbz3
Generate a FlatPak manifest from a Cabal package description
expanded, updated version of my "How to cabal install" tutorial from school of haskell
Analyze licenses in a Cabal index
Shell scripts for support of Cabal maintenance
Topologically sort cabal packages
how do i make the Lib/*.hs files compile only once on "cabal build"?
Utilities for refactoring Cabal packages
Cabal buildbot
A simple calculator program
List years with the same calendars
Commute And Merge Patches (unofficial repo)
Fork of the Camp vcs
Cellular Automata Oritatami System Simulator
forth capability security without secrets ideas. string-caps and cap-algebra
Simple web-server for organizing car-pooling for an event
Deck of cards suitable for most card games
Command line parsing using Monads, State, and Applicative.
A C-compatible array library.
DSL for HTML Cascading Style Sheets
Caso basico de la asignatura informatica para la empresa
A collection of coreutils cat clones for practise in various languages
mousey's category theory
Why you should learn category theory
catwalk secrets
Script to keep an Arch Linux repository from Hackage
Interface to extra functions in CBLAS
A monadic implementation of multi-prompt delimited continuations
Connected Contact Organizer
C feature expansion preprocessor
Implementations of Cellular Automata
A virtual machine based on cellular automata, written in the Rust programming language
To outlast the ages.
Project for Zalora application
Charles the Gardener
Fork of http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~nad/repos/ChasingBottoms/
Some monad transformers and typeclasses to simplify I/O on a transformer stack.
Check whether module and package imports conform to the PVP
Compute and verify checksums of ISBN, IBAN, etc.
c2hs dependency analysis
Combinatory logic as a minimalistic functional programming language, implemented in plain C
A more natural datatype for lazy evaluation in combinatory logic
A minimalistic implementation of a functional programming languge --- based on combinatory logic
Global Script C -> LLVM compiler
Classify sounds produced by Xenopus laevis
Documentation for classify-frog
mailing list plugin for clckwrks
a full featured blogging and CMS platform (eventually)
Theme based on http://divshot.github.com/geo-bootstrap/
GeoDB binding
[Rust] Simple clipboard utilities
Clos-conv is a small library which allows for the conversion of CLOS classes to various datatypes and back.
Closed intervals of totally ordered types
A happstack web application allowing radiologists to track and report continuing medical education activity and credits
tiny program to comment in vi
Demo code for cmtt talk
Code examples and snippets
Codebreakers Krypto-Workshop
Dateien des Krypto-Workshops "Codebreakers"
Algorithmic dictionnary of mathematical functions
characteristic classes of coincident root loci
Linear Programming using COIN-OR and comfort-array
A userscript to add an emptiness status to colatbi IRC log pages
dot com website
Combinatorics Haskell library
Count, enumerate, rank and unrank combinatorial objects
A work in progress for a priority queue-based URL harvester for further crawling
Arrays where the index type is a function of the shape type
Additional shape types for the comfort-array package
Numerical Basic Linear Algebra using BLAS
High-level interface to FFTW (Fast Fourier Transform) based on comfort-array
Signal processing algorithms based on FFTW and BLAS
Linear Programming using GLPK and comfort-array
Graph structure with type parameters for nodes and edges
commonly used chunks for noweb with the extchunksfilter.
Experimenting with deriving commutation rules
Compact visualization for pivot tables of big data
aer compiler
Compiler experimentations (TIM, STG, etc.)
Some functions I use for higher-order function combination
Agda library for general computation
Advanced notions of computation
Computercraft programs
MVars and Channels with distinguished input and output side
My personal configuration files
My personal configuration files.
dotfiles et al
configuration files
My personal configuration files
Configuration files, scripts, notes and installation logs
My emacs configuration
My xmonad configuration (and related files)
config files
The main repo of the console-program package
Repositorio general
A small library for containers build on agda-premises
Reentry monad transformer
Library for working with continued fractions in Haskell
Reusable corecursive queues, via continuations.
A generalization of 'map' to arrows
Controlix OS
Controlix OS
A modified version of Coq that contains an extraction backend for the functional hardware description language CLaSH.
Coq2CLaSH is a library for Coq that contains some verified API functions in order to design circuits in Coq and generate CLaSH code.
Coq proofs for fun
core war server
count-words calculates the occurrence of each word from stdin or file(s)
Homerwork solution for the Coursera "course" by Dan Grossman on SML/Racket/Ruby
Simple and flexible CI system
UNIX/Linux Programming Assignments
ever had a boss force you to print out company passwords? with this, passwords can only be used with password managers!
remote sensing network for cranberry bogs, wetlands etc. (using Forth)
brother's website - in dev
Server configuration management tool
Packages to be installed with Cric
Generic cryptocurrency exchange trading robot
Crypto Game
Matasano Crypto Challenges
Principles of Programming Languages - S2013 Hampshire College
visual editor
Various C# experimentations
Cassava examples
[Rust] Extract entries from a CSV table
[Kotlin] Simple CSV library
[Rust] Extract random entries from a CSV table
A programming language for text modification.
An eductional language describing towers of cubes
Natural cubic spline interpolation
Work-in-progress heap for c_uglify (a processor that re-writes GNU extensions in C). Here are: unsorted notes, examples, test scripts
Münster Curry Compiler
A roguelike game
Curses-based tool for quick display, searching, sorting, etc. of tabular data.
command line file encryption and decryption
Cut files according to a position list
Simple GUI toolkit in ANSI C
Generate d-angulations of girth d
My Personal Website
Fork of darcs for local changes
Primero Repositorio en Darcs
mirror of http://darcs.net/screened
mirror of http://darcs.net/releases/branch-2.10
mirror of http://darcs.net/releases/branch-2.12
mirror of http://darcs.net/releases/branch-2.14
mirror of http://darcs.net/releases/branch-2.16
mirror of http://darcs.net/releases/branch-2.8
Darcs Benchmarking Utility
A manual for Darcs 2.12
darcs, friendly version control
darcs-bridge/fastconvert, with experimental efforts to do exporting of branches properly DO NOT USE, unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing (which you don't, because I don't!)
An old fork of darcs that annotates conflict marks with the conflicting patch names
A docker image to host darcs repositories
import/export git-fastconvert streams to/from darcs
how to configure a darcs repo with an RSS patch feed
how to configure a darcs repo with an RSS patch feed
darcs prompt for the fish shell
Generate graphs of darcs repository activity
Generate graphs of darcs repository activity
gsoc'14 proposal for darcs
Neovim darcs plugin
unpublished patches
A helper for keeping track of things that darcs doesn't track
[Rust] Command hooks for Darcs
hashed-storage.cabal merge into main darcs.cabal
build & test darcs automatically in Nix/Hydra
fork of http://darcs.net/screened
Implementation of look for moves in darcs
mirror of http://darcs.net/screened
Darcs with Patience Diff
Performance Tests for darcs-patience
Meta-repository tracking the current state of the darcs-pijul integration
Perform a darcs pull in every subdir (Haskell)
rebase branch: rebased on 20120820
Prototype of "darcs rebase apply" command
mirror of http://darcs.net/screened
An old attempt at fixing implementation of V1 patches
Tool for directly operating on the internals of a darcs repo
mirror of https://darcs.net/reviewed
tool for identifying patches on darcs' own roundup instance that require some action
my patches to Darcs, branch of darcs-screened
mirror of http://darcs.net/screened
up-to-date mirror of the official darcs screened branch on darcs.net
up-to-date mirror of the official darcs screened branch
mirror of http://darcs.net/screened
mirror of http://darcs.net/screened
Just for preview
my patches to Darcs, branch of darcs-screened
up-to-date mirror of the official darcs screened branch on darcs.net
Shell scripts for support of darcs workflow
darcs t-shirts, mugs, stickers etc.
Experimental --ask-deps flag to darcs tag
Improvements to darcs test
mirror of http://darcs.net/screened
Draft of "conflict unwinding" - patches may be edited
Draft of "conflict unwinding" - patches may be edited
mirror of http://darcs.net/screened
A motley collection of darcs utilities
draft of various cleanups to V1 witnesses/code
mirror of https://darcs.net/darcs-wiki
unofficial repo of darcs2camp
Hacking up a simple fix for unsuspend to be symmetric with suspend w.r.t. unrecorded changes
Testing darcs 2
darcs repository web UI and hosting app. This is the main darcsden trunk, which also runs hub.darcs.net.
darcs repository web UI and hosting app. This is the main darcsden trunk, which also runs hub.darcs.net.
darcsden & hub.darcs.net development branch. Fork this one!
Preview - not for merging. A fork of darcsden where the CouchDB backend is abstracted behind a type class
darcs repository web UI and hosting app. Email notifications when new patches are applied to a repository.
Reproduction of erroneous character handling in filenames.
darcs repository web UI and hosting app. This is the main darcsden trunk, which also runs hub.darcs.net.
darcs repository web UI and hosting app. Here I will work on UI for darcsden-dist download button (select compression format and TAG to download)
Hacky prototype of a local development backend
darcs repository web UI and hosting app. This is the main darcsden trunk, which also runs hub.darcs.net.
darcs repository web UI and hosting app. This is the main darcsden trunk, which also runs hub.darcs.net.
latest version of darcsden, the darcs repo web UI and hosting app. This branch plus local settings runs hub.darcs.net.
The darcs repository web UI and hosting app. This is the latest darcsden trunk, which also runs hub.darcs.net.
Unmerged patch from Aditya's GSoC 2013 project for uploading bundles to darcsden
1.0 release branch. The last release with the original darcsden UI style
1.1.* release branch
Docs used by hub.darcs.net (eg the front page). Fork this and add questions/answers to make it better.
simple, easy darcs repo hosting
git-darcsmodule substitutes git-submodule (simple, but clear scripts)
web interface for darcs repos
emacs interface for darcs