Huffman Coding algorithm is used to compress/decompress simple text files
Humble Client - Non official client for Humble Bundle
A Haskell implementation of the Earley parsing algorithm
Rewrite of parts of Lusion game engine in Haskell. Mainly as a learning excercise.
Exercises from Graham Hutton's "Programming in Haskell"
toy vm written in haskell
Weather REST client
Backup of Haskell Weekly Newsletter
A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell.
A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell (Filter variant).
benchmarks for hybrid logics
Minecraft clone in haskell
a pipes-based HTTP server
Commentary on Shaw's program, hypergeometric functions in J
my exercise solutions to I. N. Herstein's Topics In Algebra 2nd Edition exercises
a simple API interface to Interactive Brokers
A simple library for Interactive Brokers API in Haskell
Unix scripting language, based on Global Script
JavaScript Application Framework
Editor for the icestorm asc files, for ice40 FPGA
icy_matrix is a Matrix client written in Rust.
Identification server
ii irc convenience scripts
Incremental computing
A parsec based library for parsing indentation based syntax
A wiki engine as a Yesod subsite
Efficient machine learning library
Miso frontend with insults madlang template
new pc, new version
piecewise linear and cubic Hermite interpolation
Haskell interval map data structure
Library for writing fun IRC bots
IRC client library
Add color and decorations to IRC messages
IRC datatypes & parsing/writing of IRC messages
Common types for IRC related packages
a library for creating irc bots
An haskell based ircclient
A dungeon on top of antisplice
A test repo for issue2061
A brick Widget for selectable summary of many elements on a terminal
Python scripts for quickly analyzing numerous spectra with Fityk
Reshape multi-dimensional arrays.
Show differences between item details in different mods of ja2
Update item # in xml files
Mapping items in ja2 maps
Bindings for the JACK Audio Connection Kit
Set of utils for jail mgmt in FreeBSD
crappy quality ezjail replacement
Welcome to the real world of fun
Jaipur girls are here only for party
A server named James
Affixing a websocket to James
Helper library for the Google Code Jam
color picker in jqt
Fork of JHC containing small enhancements in the libraries
Yesod Jisteliste
QuasiQuotation library for programmatic generation of Javascript code.
JSON-RPC clients and servers using JMacro, and evented client-server Reactive Programming
Jodhpur escorts are available at lowest rates
If you want to have party in Jodhpur city
Collection of scripts to manage a Jolla phone
The source code for my journal
A small tutorial on how to use jq to parse and change JSON
Copied over from I don't recommend using this, it was an experiment.
Keep program state in JSON files
Go client for kanda app
Survival action game, you are an out of control flane spawned unto existence. You do not want to die and do whatever you can to survive the inhospitable rainy climate on this rogue planet.
Application that displays image according to the actual keyboard layout. It has low opacity and no input mask (it is transparent for mouse events)
System tray client for KDE-Connect
Lookup-tables with autogenerated keys
Khnum - Collection of tools for canonical non-commutative cryptography
Lojban command-line and services
Kids' Token Economy Tracking
A mathematical model of whole-kidney function and pressure-natriuresis (main development branch).
Emulation of subkinds and subkind polymorphism
Utility library in ANSI C
euterpea fork
A simple library for k-means clustering
Repa array processing using LLVM JIT
Linear algebra and interpolation using LLVM JIT
Functional Programming in KNU
Convert a directory of images for better viewing on a Kobo Aura HD.
Kondien koltosvan konehkiändämine
Webinterface for Kondien koltosva
Concordance search on parallel corpora
kontakt scripts
I am Kreeti Rai. I am from Goa me and my friends can also be in touch with you through my Gmail.
"Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier" - MIDI, audio and video processing
Conversion utility for KitchenSnitch documents (Haskell)
Data downloader and parser for the KitchenSnitch project (Haskell)
Library of common modules for KitchenSnitch (Haskell)
REST server for KitchenSnitch (Haskell)
System tray companion for kbdd
A universal algebra inspired toolkit for working with datatypes in type theory
A program to try and maybe find a busy beaver.
A Haskell program to analyse some turing machines
application launcher. In Haskell.
Simple shell for evaluating lambda expressions
A λ-Calculus Toolbox in Haskell
Library to easily host programming contests in haskell
An extensible launcher
Language C is a haskell library for the analysis and generation of C code. It features a complete, well tested parser and pretty printer for all of C99 and a large set of GNU extensions.
Language C is a haskell library for the analysis and generation of C code. It features a complete, well tested parser and pretty printer for all of C99 and a large set of GNU extensions. (Here, examples/Process.hs parses and analyzes the input file, and during the analysis "pushes" the nested functions to the top-level, and then prints the program from the new AST; it doesn't check that the new program is correct in any sense or tries to rewrite it; it accepts the same options as cpp/gcc .)
Language C is a haskell library for the analysis and generation of C code. It features a complete, well tested parser and pretty printer for all of C99 and a large set of GNU extensions. (Here I publish random fixes to the Hackage branch, mostly small ones so far, like typos.)
Language C is a haskell library for the analysis and generation of C code. It features a complete, well tested parser and pretty printer for all of C99 and a large set of GNU extensions. (Here, examples/Process.hs parses and analyzes the input file, and then generates a program; it accepts the same options as cpp/gcc.)
Language C is a haskell library for the analysis and generation of C code. It features a complete, well tested parser and pretty printer for all of C99 and a large set of GNU extensions. (Here, examples/Process.hs parses and analyzes the input file silently; it accepts the same options as cpp/gcc; it must break iff the code is bad .)
Language C is a haskell library for the analysis and generation of C code. It features a complete, well tested parser and pretty printer for all of C99 and a large set of GNU extensions. (Here, I save my WORK-IN-PROGRESS MESS.)
Parser-serializer for Idan
Parser-serializer for Kort
Numerical Linear Algebra using LAPACK
Numerical Linear Algebra using LAPACK
Auto-generated interface to Fortran LAPACK via CArrays
Auto-generated interface to Fortran LAPACK via comfort-array
Auto-generated interface to Fortran LAPACK
Generator for Haskell interface to Fortran LAPACK
Conversion of objects between 'lapack' and 'hmatrix'
latex templates
backup of latex files from workstation
Lax arrows
Matrix math in Idris
Differential solving with lazy splines
Strongly typed shell scripting in Lean 4.
Haskell code for learning physics
old utilities and reporting scripts useful with ledger
Experiments from
A SNES Emulator
This package provides first class functional references.
A fork of lentil
my patches for less(1)
Un pequeño set de utilidades para hacer espejo de las leyes Colombianas.
LG Eval toolkit
Core GSPC abstract machine implementation for Global Script
C library for mixtures of exponential families
Haskell library for Libravatar
A library for accessing smiled
Unit testing library for Global Script
Haskell bindings for libzfs
Software to automatically align LiDAR data
My LightDM greeter
Lila's Psychotherapy Site
Compute resistance of linear electrical circuits
Linear Programming basic definitions
Web link relation types (RFC 5988) for Haskell
A linux distro based on lisp
dotfiles, progs options, etc
Linux Presentation Day 2018 May
LIRC to MQTT gateway
Initialization files for various Common Lisps
lisp virtual machine
Live coding of MIDI music
Example songs for Haskell live sequencer
LIst of VIDeos media browse/playback web app (Haskell, Coffeescript)
Support for writing an EDSL with LLVM-JIT as target
Processor specific intrinsics for the llvm interface
FFI bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit.
Tools for maintaining the llvm-ffi package
Generate Pkg-Config configuration file for LLVM
Slides for LLVM meeting 2014-04-30, Paris
Slides for LLVM tutorial at HaL-9, 2014-06-20
Example code for LLVM tutorial at HaL-9, 2014-06-20
Toy Haskell Logic System
Fall 2012 CS410W term paper
Import, export etc. for TPTP, a syntax for first-order logic
A backtracking logic programming monad
Logophile Marketing materials
Logophile website
Statically generate lookup tables using Template Haskell.
The low-level-like machine, editor and execution visualizer
WNN implementation in pure lua
Look-up table generator
actor-based game engine and server in Rust
lz4 library for Haskell
Compiler-Compiler in Modula-3, a fork featuring dynamic number of symbols, productions etc.
Insult generator written in madlang
Gather Madlang libraries in one relevant place
Reflex Frontend for Madlang
A shakespearean insult generator written in madlang
Compute solutions for Magico puzzle
Parsers for DMARC and TLSRPT aggregated reports
E-mail filtering standard language
A make file for managing the ssl keys of a server
Makefile based CA management for servers
Acceptance test framework based on Cucumber/Gherkin
mandelbrot set generator
Fast "slippy" map
building neural network for robot room recognition
building neural network for robot room recognition (port of marchand-robot repo to Frege/Java)
markdown parser prototypes in various languages/libraries
The writings of a cosmic infant
a classic game implemented using Happstack+Fay+Acid-State
Tópicos em Lógica Categorial
Lecture notes and example modules for Haskell lecture
Example modules for Haskell lecture
coding in math
Source for blog posts at
Simple Mathematics Quiz for kids
A Haskell web service for observing the [matrix] network
babushka config files for my linux setup
Simple Python binding for max7219-driven led matrices
Enumerate all maximal cliques of a graph
simple comonadic maze generation
Read and write standard mailbox (mboxrd) files.
List contents of an mbox file containing e-mails
Midnight Commander
monte carlo cuda c
Source files for the EPUB edition of the fiction book _(Nothing But) Flowers_ by John G. McDaid
mcfm documentation
C++ and CUDA based implementation of Multiple Dataset Integration
Memory Description Language, intended for writing Global Script interpreters and runtime systems in
Generating summary tables on business processes
fifo-based forth in mecrisp!
My downstream copy of mecrisp-stellaris. I maintain mk20dx256.
sudo mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=mecrisp-stellaris-2.3.6,upperdir=mecrisp-stellaris-cy8c5888,workdir=mecrisp-stellaris mecrisp-stellaris
mecrisp stellaris for PSoC 5LP (with bitbanged uart): sudo mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=mecrisp-stellaris-2.4.4,upperdir=mecrisp-stellaris-cy8c5888-bb,workdir=mecrisp-stellaris mecrisp-stellaris
Parse song module files from Amiga MED and OctaMED
Twinkling stars that form an image
Xmonad tasks - redux
Test repository
My emacs configuration files
Practice "Secrets of Mental Math" (Benjamin & Shermer)
A simple menu app
Una pequeña aplicación web que registra y muestra los mercados campesinos en una ciudad, pueblo o departamento de Colombia.
Typed lambda calculus in mercury
A sandbox to try Clojure and Om instead of React/Redux
This package also provides first class functional references.
Machine Forth for ARM
(Haskell) Web application server with stateful, type safe user interactions and widget combinators
(Haskell) Web application server with stateful, type safe user interactions and widget combinators
Micro library for fast and easy applications configuration.
JSON configuration class for micro-config.
Org mode syntax highlighting for the micro text editor
Simple read and write structures from/to fs.
Handling of MIDI messages and files
Convert between datatypes of the midi and the alsa packages
Convert MIDI file to music box punch tape
Number Guessing App made in godot game engine
MiniAgda, an experimental language with sized dependent types. Moved to github.
English spelling functions with an emphasis on simplicity.
Text rendering and typesetting engine for Haskell + OpenGL
Miscellaneous publicly shared files
Some quick and dirty utilities that do not deserve a dedicated repository
Main branch for Metropolis Light Transport image renderer.
Haskell library for memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows
Simulate the audio effect of a bad mobile phone connection
experiments with modular patches
Asynchronous Psycopg2 wrapper for Tornado.
Small example to demonstrate what a monad is
Transformer managing a single TCP connection with TLS and SOCKS support
Monad transformer for incremental hashing
Class for monad-transformer stacks over a PrimMonad
Home of the MonadCatchIO-transformers package
Monodark Colorscheme for Neovim
EDSL for writing randomized simulation
A MUD client written in Haskell
benchmarks for some recursion schemes
Principles of Programming Languages Assignments
Control a local mpv instance via IPC from the command line
MeeSeq the meek sequencer
exploratory code for the msp430 microcontroller
Monadic streams
Shell scripts to use a computer as a tape recorder with Soundcraft Signature MTK desks
Multi Version Deployer
Simple tool to generate configuration files for Harp from a directory
Muda means junk or trash in Japanese. It is a todo list that is out of the way
A simple tool to launch several versions of a program
Support for multiple major modes in an Emacs buffer
A simple Multimap based on Data.Map from the containers package.
Multiplate is an alternative extension of the Uniplate/Compos core library to support mutally recursive datatypes in a way that is as powerful as Compos, as easy to use as Biplate, and more portable than both of them.
Combinatorial algorithms over multisets
The source code for my website
[Haskell] Personal library
My neovim config
[Rust] Personal library
a test repo
My first Haskell files
my haskell prelude
A simple distributed version control system that stores your repository in plain text in a file system hierarchy
Nadia Lee Cohen theory
Flexible records with named fields.
Type level names in Haskell.
Natural numbers
Convert your nanoblogger powered blog to a gopherlog otherwise known as a phlog
OCaml implementation of NbE
Nearest something
NEdit modes for Syntax Highlighting
A Python implementation of org-mode (support only agenda and todo lists for now))
nested sequences / random-access lists
Static site
Helper modules for CArray wrappers to BLAS and LAPACK
Helper modules for comfort-array wrappers to BLAS and LAPACK
Helper modules for FFI to BLAS and LAPACK
Functional reactive programming library
Shell scripts for generating random mail aliases
Nimrod Game Engine
Pretty print the standard output of show for algebraic datatypes
Modular operating system designed with simplicity in mind.
persitant nix development environments
A haskell interface to the nix store
My configuration for Nix home manager
a GUI for nix package manager
Structured flake-based NixOS configuration
NixOS Configuration
Reduce noise in an audio file
List-like structures with static restrictions on the number of elements
Noncommutative Groups and efficient Algorithms
mal repositorio
Postprocssing of audio streams for the song Nordstrand
Norton Setup
My Papers, Talks, and Notes
Chat demonstration.
just testing darcsden
Simple OSD notifier for notmuch
LaTeX class for CV
Extensions to numeric-prelude including multivariate polynomials and factored rationals.
NewtonScript in Parrot
media organizer
Number Theoretic Sieves: primes, factorization, and Euler's Totient
An experimental alternative hierarchy of numeric type classes
numerical haskell
my neovim config
static site generator
Hacking on OANDA's API
A small and fast Haskell ORB
Arithmetic functions for the Obsidian framework
Rendering of hypersphere traces
Provides a wrapper for deriving word types with fewer bits
skillion/onedrive setup and monitoring
A cross-referencing OCamldoc HTML documentation generator
Convert Open Document Spreadsheet ODS to CSV
Anonymize an OFX 1.x bank statement, while preserving structure
Implementations of purely-functional data structures
Clone of darcs-screened with lots of unpublished patches
experiments with partial functions in cubical Agda
An implementation of an 1wire master.
Text UI library for performing parallel remote SSH operations
Out of Sync's Operating System
This package simply reexports a subset of the parts of OpenGLRaw which are compatible with OpenGL 2.1. The idea is that you can have greater certainty about compatibility with less capable graphics cards by only importing Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw.Core21 and the exact modules for whatever additional extensions you need.
Secure OpenVPN CA for extremely lazy admins
Some simple examples for demonstrating some aspects of optimization with GHC
Export Oracle DDL scripts to Postgres
File system watcher and indexer
Beautifull cellular automata on orbifolds
Algorithms for the order maintenance problem with a safe, yet flexible interface
Ordinals up to epsilon_0
Strukturiere deine Daten und Ordner auf unterschiedlichste Art und Weisen!
Don't erase, show bad performances for darcs push
Building arbitrary shapes with Oritatami cotranscriptional folding model
Pretty-printer for Ott parse trees
A Common Lisp LLVM compiler frontend
Yaml parser in pure ocaml
Package / unpack / install tools for Global Script
Freight-forwarding calculator for cost of importing items for $50 or less into Jamaica
Haskell library for p-adic numbers
A naïve static site generator.
text markup conversion tool, my MoinMoin reader branch
text markup conversion tool, my vim outline reader branch
A Haskell implementation of Pan Galactic Division
files for paper
paradise in apocalypse game repo
Parametrised parsing library
a version of paris boiling
a version of paris boiling2
developer repository for ParisSimulator
Merging paris-devel as of Feb 11th 2020 with Rudman-WY scheme
stable repository for ParisSimulator
surface tension computation for subgrid
A version of PARIS for boiling
first_release of GNBC
Global Script parser library
learning parsing in Haskell
Partial Term Rewriting
Partial Rewriting Notes
Pascal's Triangle in Haskell
Compiler for ATS-like language
distributed password manager
A library for patching functions and data structures
Compose a big image from overlapping parts
darcs hosting and web interface app, my 2011 updates
A naive patch theory implementation
Some testings on patch theory
[Haskell] Hierarchically sort paths
Type-safe access to filepath manipulations
best pawnshop in salt lake city ut
MH -email client
Website for
[Rust] Percent encoding/decoding utility
Helper functions for writing Persistent instances
darcs as a Persistent DB backend
antibloat and turbo simplistic unit testing & micro benchmarking for cxx
online petitions to UA gov
Software to post to a gopher blog (phlog)
Web framework
Rename photo image files based on EXIF shoot date (Haskell)
Analyzing the complete checkbook for the city of Phoenix in the year 014
Physical units and quantities with type-checked dimensions in Lean4
Small applications for PIC microcontroler, each in it's own directory
Display pictures in directories